Street Writers

Street Writers - Evan Skolnick Pt. 1



What better way to start 2020 than with a new episode of Street Writers? Better yet — the first part of our interview with Evan Skolnick, as he takes us through is writing career that's included Marvel Comics, LucasArts, hit video games like The Walking Dead, Cuphead and Concrete Genie — and the ins and outs of game instruction at the Game Developers Conference and Cogswell College. And in "Take A Swing At This" Evan hits us with the wisdom of "taking a pitch" — passing on writing work when it's not the right fit.  Learn more about Evan at his website, — and be sure and grab a copy of his #1 guide to video game writing, Video Game Storytelling: Liking what you hear? Leave a review. Subscribe! And invite new listeners to join in: Hit us up with questions, comments, whatever you got at: And send us an audio message so we can get your comments in future episodes: