Love And Laughter With Beth

30: 12/02/2017 The 7 Barriers to a Sexually Empowered Life



How close are your fantasies to what really happens in your life? Wouldn't you love to be able to get what you from your lover instead of just making do with what they think you want? And wouldn't you love to actually know what your love wants from you so you could give them what they want also? Can you imagine how exciting it would be to be in a relationship where you could both openly share your desires, urges and fantasies without fear of rejection or judgement??? Dang... if that thought doesn't make you sit up a bit straighter and get your blood pumping a bit faster... you might need to listen to this show twice!!! Cuz seriously - do you know what happens when you and your lover each start accepting responsibility for sexual pleasure...??? Well... sex is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why Dr. HazelGrace Yates will help us all learn how to step out of the sexual passivity that most of us have lived in for too damn long... By identifying "The 7 barriers to a sexually empowered life". We'll get to th