Love And Laughter With Beth

37: 01/20/2017 When Good Goes Bad: Sex Addiction in Real Life



Who of us hasn’t done something crazy for love? Good and bad. "Love” or passion or just “fun” sometimes take over. But have you, or someone you know, ever crossed that invisible line and made choices that seem, well.…excessive? Or even harmful or irrational? Delphi Medina, a Clinical Consultant, Therapist & Addiction Specialist joins Beth this week to talk about the dark side of sex, SEX ADDICTION. Don't be fooled into thinking this is only a celebrity issue; it's all around you. Around all of us. It's likely hiding in the homes of people you know and love; your friends or neighbors or family’s. No one is immune; yet most of us are unaware. Our only recourse to this growing problem is breaking the shameful silence that accompanies the issues; and Beth understands that all too well. And yet, through the darkness comes opportunity for goodness. Kathy Reynolds shares her journey as a wife of a sex addict and now professional coach to other partners. Her experiences and hard earned lessons about how to