Love And Laughter With Beth

44: 03/10/2018 Don't Worry! Porn is Ok, Says Dr. Ley



Porn is OK, Says Dr. David Ley "We all watch porn, we don't acknowledge it. Porn exists in a parallel universe, a shadowy otherworld. When you force anything into the shadows and underground, you make it a lot easier for bad things to happen, and a lot harder for good things to happen."-Cindy Gallop Is there a down side to porn? Is watching porn without your significant other cheating? How can porn help a relationship? When is enough enough? Is it possible to get addicted to porn? These are just a few of questions Beth asks her guest, Dr. David Ley, author of "Ethical Porn for Dicks" on this week's show. An outspoken clinical psychologist and author, Dr. Ley doesn't hesitate to share his often controversial, but always thought provoking, views on sex and porn.