Love And Laughter With Beth

57: 06/16/2018 Cheating, Cheaters and Excuses



This week we wade into the murky, extremely dangerous waters where Cheating, Cheaters and Excuses lurk and live.  You know that here on Love and Laughter with Beth we are all about mating, dating, sex and relationships… and we refuse to shortcut around the tough topics. Infidelity seems as common as marriage these days and we need to talk about it. We don’t rush to judgment because there is rarely anything good that comes from that except a false sense of “I'm better than they are”. Instead, we seek better understanding and better love by recognizing that there are at least two sides to every story. (After all, do you really think there aren’t ANY good reasons for infidelity? ...If so, you definitely need to keep listening; you might be very surprised.) Heck… these days, it’s hard to know what’s cheating and what’s not… I mean, even before people started arguing about whether watching internet porn was cheating, Bill Clinton forced the world to admit the lines were getting blurry by swearing: "I did