Robert Johnson's Posts

Guide dog training diary 2016: Day 13a - Distracting walk



It's the day after we qualified and Gio and I are out in Richmond alone, tackling the circular route from three days earlier. It was possibly a courageous choice on my part, given the number of parks and gardens it passes, but it is also one of my favourite walks, and one I want to crack with him sooner rather than later. Listening back, there are definitely points which I could have improved, including being more encouraging when he was distracted from finding certain kerbs, however this is all part of the learning experience. #GuideDog #Training #Class #Dog #Gio #2016 #home #richmond #london #UK #Blind #VisuallyImpaired #VI #Learn #Independence #Mobility #AudioDiary #Audio #Diary #GermanShepherd # GoldenRetriever #gdba #walk #RichmondHill #squirrel #distract