Robert Johnson's Posts

Guide dog working diary 2016: Day 22b - Reflections at Hammersmith



I look back on the past few days of having Gio in the office as we wait for a train at Hammersmith. The Siren incident referred to happened shortly before this section of recording began and involved a decision to cross a road within a rather hectic situation. I decided not to include it however, due to excessive wind noise. #GuideDog #guide #dog #working #Gio #2016 #london #UK #Blind #VisuallyImpaired #VI #Learn #Independence #Mobility #AudioDiary #Audio #Diary #GermanShepherd # GoldenRetriever #gdba #Develop #Bond #work #Partnership #PostQualification #Reflection #Re-#Tube #Underground #Hammersmith #DistrictLine