
Meet Cheryl, A.K.A. MoeLucie: Nutritionist, College Specialist and a Research Junkie



Cheryl macintosh A.K.A. @MoeLucie talks about her passion for sharing her experiences and her knowledge of Nutrition, College Education, Accessibility and how important it is for us to share what we have experienced. Jeff Thompson interviews fellow Blind Abilities team member, Cheryl, finding out what drives her to reach her goals and how she likes to give back to others what she has learned and experienced. She is finishing up her Masters Degree at an On-Line University, raising kids, writing blog posts, researching topics of interest and always keeping us at Blind Abilities posted on the latest news. And by the way, when it comes to nutrition, sit back because she is going to take you to school. Cheryl has a lot of experiences and loves to share as you will find out in this podcast. You can find Cheryl on Twitter @MoeLucie and she is the Admin on the Blind Abilities Facebook group. You can follow us on Twitter @BlindAbilities Jeff Thompson @JThompson6835 Get the Free Blind Abilities App