Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Consistently Hire and Retain Top Sales Performers w/John Pyke



We’re operating in a very competitive market, so as business owners we have to ensure we have tried-and-tested methods in place to attract top talent to our organizations. Do we need to make changes to our recruitment process and should we be disregarding the concept of hiring slow and firing fast? Once we’ve successfully recruited top talent, how can we retain them long-term? On this episode, bestselling author, speaker and recruitment expert, John Pyke shares how to consistently hire and retain top sales performers.    Takeaways + Tactics  Stop relying on DISC assessments and interviews for recruitment. We can only learn 12% of what we need to know from these - not nearly enough to make an informed decision.  Disregard the concept of hiring slow and firing fast. In a market with a scarcity of talent, we don’t have the luxury of hiring slow - we have to hire and fire fast.  To maintain top talent, offer a hybrid payment model that provides some guaranteed income, as well as commission.    At the start of t