Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Compete in the Real Estate Investing Space w/John Carney



To be successful in the real estate investment space, we have to build teams that can withstand competition. Who should we be including in our teams, and why is it vital to find a mentor? Should we be shying away from competition or embracing it? On this episode, author and host of The Real Estate Locker Room Podcast, John Carney shares how to compete in the real estate investing space.    Author, podcast host ‘the real estate locker team’    Takeaways + Tactics  Build a strong team. As leaders, we simply can’t do everything ourselves - we have to surround ourselves with people who are better than us at specific activities.  The most successful people typically tend to be the most humble, so drop the ego at the door and look for mentors to assist every step of the way.  Embrace competition. Instead of seeing competitors as a threat, we should take the opportunity to improve our own products and see how they compare.   At the start of this episode, we discussed the importance of building effective teams. Aft