Pricing Is Positioning

048: The SCORRE Conference and Why You Should Attend



Every consultant, freelancer, or personal brand can become a better speaker by attending the SCORRE Conference with Ken Davis because of 3 benefits I share on this week's podcast. I recently participated in Ken Davis's SCORRE Conference in Nashville, TN…November 4th through 7th. I had heard of Ken Davis for many years and have always wanted to attend, but just never had the chance. If you don't know Ken, he is a really neat guy. He is an author, speaker, coach, and I highly recommend his book Fully Alive as well as Secrets of Dynamic Communication.  If you're like me, you're probably impressed by a great speaker that can hold a crowd and come across all cool, collected, and in control. At least that's what I think, and I am always watching and learning from those on the stage as I want to be a better speaker as I know many of you do too. But the truth is no matter how prepared or how many times I have done a presentation, and I still get nervous, think I sound like an idiot and hate watching replays of my tal