Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: Week of October 18th



We've got another episode of WIIM Radio to throw at your ears this week as me, Jeff, and Kyle ran a fairly tight show with Michelle adding in a great prospects report. Here's the rundown:   The Week that Was - The Wings beat Tampa and then lost two games in a row. We go game-by-game on breakdowns and talk about what's going on, from the very good performance on Tuesday to the weekend shitshow that was.Overall Impressions - Detroit is getting badly outshot, both in not creating enough and not preventing enough, but we're only five games into the Jeff Blashill era. What's leading to the problems and how worried are we at this point? How would we change up the roster?Prospects Report - Michelle runs us through the Griffins' struggles, the players, and the kids playing elsewhere in this week's Prospects Report.Reader Questions - We frankly take way too much time answering things, meaning you all are very good at asking questions we don't think to answer early. Good job, you all.Looking at the Week Ahead - Headin