Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: Late March Playoff Push Edition



Our newest episode of WIIM Radio is fresh-baked and right out of the oven with me, Kyle, Graham, and Jeff making love to your earbones via the sweet sounds of Red Wings chatter. Here's what we got up to: The Wins vs. Columbus and the Panthers - The Wings won the only two games since the last episode so we're all happy. Hooray!Brad Richards vs. Eric Tangradi on the 4th line. Who ya got?!The Kids vs. the Bench - Mantha and Athanasiou don't get trusted in the third. Green and Smith don't either. How long can this usage last?Prospects Report - Michelle gives us a real in-depth look at the kids, including a snippet of an interview with Christoffer Ehn over in Sweden. Real great update on all the kids in the pipeline this week.Reader Questions - You asked and we answered. Some of the questions were really good. All of the answers were. We're good at this.The Week Ahead - The Wings will be in full swing before you know it and we'll tell you whether that's going to make you happy or not. WIIM Radio is rated R for lan