Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: Playoff Preview Edition



Welcome to our latest and greatest edition of WIIM Radio. This week we've got me, Graham, and Kyle running the scene with Michell nailing down the prospects report for us as always. Here's the rundown: What it takes to beat the Bolts - We'll explore the keys to the series in taking down an injured Tampa team. Other favored teams - Being realistic, if not the Wings, who should we pull for after all is said and done?The lineup choices - Mantha sent down, Andersson back up, AA playing limited minutes. Let's take a few minutes and air our complaints.Who's in charge of the locker room - Between Holland, Blashill, and the vets, who's calling the shots in Detroit's locker room?Datsyuk and Ken Holland's statement about not trading him - A lot of complaints about the concept of Detroit holding Datsyuk regardless of what happens, but is it all a little premature?Prospects Report - The Griffins are still fighting for their playoff positioning and will be doing so with Mantha helping along the way for the last week of th