Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: Pre-Agency Craziness



Hoo boy do we have some stuff to talk about for you in this episode of WIIM Radio. We've got me, Kyle, Jeff, Graham, and Prashanth to talk about all of the craziness in the NHL in the past week and also to answer your reader questions. Here's what we got up to this week:   The NHL Has Gone Nuts! - We lost out on the Stamkos Sweepstakes before it even started, as the Wings didn't even get a chance to talk to the guy before he re-signed in Tampa for a lockout-proof, buyout-proof $8.5M AAV eight-year deal. The Oilers traded Hall for a guy who's basically a decent top-four guy, but at least the Habs made themselves worse!Red Wings Free Agency Planning - Should they move for a young defenseman and a big forward? Get a center? Give term out? Maybe give out higher AAV for a shorter deal? Can we get Trouba or Shattenkirk still? How about homegrowing guys?The Draft - The Wings grabbed a bunch of defensemen, a goalie, and a power forward type. Most importantly though, he dumped the Datsyuk deal in a great deal. Graham