Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: The Not-So-Free Agents Edition



  Welcome to the latest edition of WIIM Radio! It’s been a bit since we last recorded our expansion draft draft spectacular and now we’ve got the opening of free agency to discuss. For this run, I’m joined by Jeff, Peter and Prashanth. Here’s what we got up to: The State of the Wings - We’re through the entry draft and the opening of free agency. We go over where everybody’s head is at in terms of what the Wings have been doing. Up next we moved on to Tatar and Athanasiou as the big-name unsigned RFAs. The Future of the Wings - We mostly discuss the strategy of hope (it’s not a strategy). Should the Wings put all their eggs in the long term basket and just pull the chute on trying to win games in the short run or is this “middle-road” something worthwhile? Around the League - Connor McDavid left a lot of potential money on the table on his way to having a very-rich contract as a 20-year old and we have conflicted feelings about that. Is it possible to contend taking so much of the cap that your team is fo