Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: The Still-Work-to-be-Done Edition



Welcome to another WIIM Radio! We’re going to be recording a “finally July is over/holy crap August is even worse” episode tonight talking all things Wings. Here’s a quick topic rundown: The Tomas Tatar Deal: The Wings went all the way through an arbitration hearing before signing Tatar to a four-year, $5.3M AAV contract. We’ll discuss how we got here, the deal, how Tatar fits into the Wings, and where we go from this point forward. The Goaltending Situation: The Wings are still spending over $9M on a goaltending tandem it doesn’t seem they want and have filled in kind of a logjam behind them. We’ll explore whether the recent signing of Pat Nagle has literally any effect on things, or if it can at least be read into for things to come. The Athanasiou Situation: As the one of two yet-unsigned RFAs (as of this posting) who should be with the big club for the entire season in his own position’s version of a top-six role, the waiting game on Andreas Athanasiou is making me antsy. Hopefully talking those feelin