Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: The World is Your Burrito Edition



Welcome to the newest edition of WIIM Radio! This time we’ve got me, Kyle, and Lauren joined by first-timer Mike Bremer with us! Let’s break in the new guy. Here’s what we got up to: The Red Wings so Far - The team’s performance to this point versus expectations for them are pretty much falling right in line with what you can get in small sample sizes. The defense is still a tire-fire, but the forwards are showing the kind of promise we’ve been loving. Around the World/League - A lot of talk about how we’re all ready for the Athanasiou situation to un-Datsyuk itself and for us to just get an answer so we can all get on with our lives. Elsewhere, the Rangers are hilariously bad and the Devils are actually fun! Positivity Corner - Love all around. Oh man, just so much love. Somebody get a bucket to clean it up. Gross. Reader Questions - Y’all didn’t disappoint with the burrito theme. This was a really fun segment full of delicious questions. Upcoming Games - The Wings have a full plate coming up in the nex