Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

Fer Sure - Episode 16: Achariya



Note: Because of an expiring plug for Garageband, our levels kept auto-adjusting. Sorry in advance for volume issues, and we’re working on fixing it for next time. Here’s what Peter and Jay have for you this time (all time locations are without the opening ad): Goaltender Interference: (00:00 - 18:56) The league’s latest pronouncement on the topic hasn’t really had the intended effect. Olympics : (18:56 - 36:20) First off, watch the women! We also have some thoughts on the men’s tournament. DoPS and Alex Burrows (36:20 - 46:38) The DoPS actually gave out a double-digit suspension. Interview: (46:38 - 1:31:18) We had a long interview with Achariya from Raw Charge and Pension Plan Puppets. We talked about stealing Yzerman back as well as a long segment on Hockey is for Everyone. Wrap up: (1:31:18 - End) Listen to the Doc Emrick adjective of the episode and where to follow us. Make sure to listen to the end for an outro featuring an outtake from this episode!   You can listen via the embedded player abov