Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

Listen to WIIM Radio: The Mid-May Day Edition



Welcome to our newest WIIM Radio mailbag. We’ve got pretty minor Red Wings news to talk about in terms of how the Worlds are going for a few of our gents and some hockey news to cover. Here’s a rundown. Red Wings Autopsy - We’ll take another look back to see if another month of perspective has changed anything on the season and start looking forward. We’ll talk briefly about the draft, but will save the real in-depth stuff for an episode in June. Head-vs-Heart in rooting interests - With four teams left in the race, how do we pick who to cheer for? Is it Yzerman uber-alles or Ovi FTW? Do the Knights curry favor or the high-flying Jets? Let’s rank ‘em! Around the League - Player safety and refereeing is a big topic right now. We’ll hop around the table and pick each other’s brains like Tom Wilson is always trying to do. Reader Questions - My favorite part. You ask your questions and we’ll answer them. Please remember we’ll be doing a draft-heavy episode later, so we may be skipping those questions. Get yo