Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

Fer Sure - Episode 29: CJ Turtoro, Matt Barlowe, and Matt Cane from RITSAC



Here’s what Peter and Jay have for you this time (all time locations are without the opening ad): Intro : (00:00 - 01:56) Since Jay couldn’t make it to Rochester, I let him do the entire intro other than my first part. This special episode consists of two interviews I conducted this past weekend at the RIT Sports Analytics Conference (RITSAC). It was impossible to record in a perfectly quiet spot, so there is a bit of background noise, but I edited the vast majority of it out. Interview with Matt Cane: (01:56 - 33:39) Our first interview is with Matt Cane. He is best known for his free agent salary model (listed here), but he is a wealth of hockey and stats related knowledge. Jay mentioned that Matt’s presentation was on curling. We talked a little about that, but it was mostly about hockey. Interview with Matt Barlowe and CJ Turtoro: (33:39 - 1:10:28) Matt and CJ hosted a workshop the first night of RITSAC on Tableau. They are very good at data visualization, in addition to other hockey related topics. W