Winging It In Motown: For Detroit Red Wings Fans

WIIM Radio: The Hot Streak Edition



Welcome to our latest WIIM Radio mailbag. We’ll be recording our latest episode tonight with the plan to have it ready for your earholes tomorrow morning before the Wings take on the Senators. Here’s a list of topics we’ll get into: The Wings of the last two weeks - Six games down since we last recorded and five wins in that time has the Wings threatening to climb the standings and drop in the race for the best odds in next springs “Jack-pot”. We’ll talk about how the team is performing. The trends so far - We’re deep enough into the season to talk about what’s shaping up to look like trends Detroit takes a lot of penalties but their special teams has been good (coaching?). Is the change in curly fries qualification driving the outburst? Around the league - The Tom Wilson suspension got reduced, the William Nylander standoff continues, the concussion lawsuit is getting settled, and the NHL/NHLPA are talking labor war/peace. It’s the best of times; it’s the worst of times. Positivity Corner - Not sure w