The Digital Sport Insider

12: Barney Worfolk-Smith, Business Director at That Lot



This week I got to sit down with an old school friend who has been working in digital since moving down to London in the late 90's. Taking in CNET, Channel Flip, Unruly Media and now That Lot, founded by actor, writer and Twitter obsessive David Schneider (264,000 followers, not that he’s counting), finance wizard, David Beresford, and the UK’s foremost professional tweeter, David Levin, the fingers and thumbs behind accounts such as @BBCTheVoiceUK and @the_dolphin_pub We cover many points that have stood out in Barney's career including working for the first real YouTube MCN that was Channel Flip in 2009 and one of the most exciting video companies in Unruly. He offers some great insights into video content creation and measurement, Twitter campaigns for Virgin Media, taking the mickey out of Sam Allardyce with a Made In Chelsea sketch for Channel 4 and some hints & tips in using Snapchat. We also drop some 'knowledge bombs' and Barney invents a new term with the 'Banter Bunker'! You can find Barney on @