About Seth

Knock Knock



Knock Knock: Seth Godin's Incomplete Guide to Building a Website that Works   This free eBook was written in 2005, but like most Seth Godin works, it's more about the big picture and the overall ideas rather than the specific tools and technology, which means a lot of this is still very relevant today. Seth gets us to think about WHY we're making a website in the first place, then gives a step-by-step guide to creating a website that works.  Step 1: Get Traffic Step 2: Tell A Story Step 3: Treat Different People Differently Step 4: Test and Measure   A few other things:  - choice is a bad thing  - contact is a good thing  - don't have any dead ends or error pages   You must be able to answer these three questions about every page on your site: who's there? what do you want them to do? how can you instantly tell them a persuasive story that makes them do it?   'Knock Knock' is a free eBook by Seth Godin, and you can download a free copy for yourself from www.aboutseth.com/free