Your Mark On The World

Formerly Incarcerated Entrepreneur Helps Those Facing Time To Live Their Best Lives - #1186



My cousin, who is currently in prison, shared with me how much Michael Santos’ work was changing his life so I had to invite him on the show. Michael helps people prepare for and have the best experience possible in prison to help them be successful leaving it. “My name is Michael. I mean, I'm a guy who made a lot of bad decisions as a young man. I was 20 years old when I thought it would be kind of fun to traffic in cocaine,” Michael begins. “And it turned out to be a really bad decision.” “By the time I was 23, I was arrested by federal authorities and locked in prison and facing a sentence of life without the possibility of parole. I made some bad decisions even at the earliest stages after my arrest. I should have been accepting responsibility and working toward reconciling with society for the bad decisions that I had made. Instead, I pleaded not guilty. I went to trial. I perjured myself on the stand,” he continues. “And it was while during that awkward stage between sentencing, between conviction an