Geeks Interrupted

Episode #73: 11th August 2014



Andy Blume and Daniel Olivares are back in the studio with this week's look at all things Geek. Special Guests: Katherine Carnell & Simon Nix. Show Notes: Quentin Tarantino, JJ Abrams help save old-fashioned film stock [The Age] Misogynist rants from Young Libs [The Age] George Brandis in 'car crash' interview over controversial data retention regime [SMH] JB Hi-Fi admits it has a bloke problem [The Age] Wikipedia refuses to delete photo as 'monkey owns it' [The Telegraph] Google gives secure, encrypted websites higher search ranking [CBC News] Apple Reportedly Planning iPhone Event on September 9 [The Next Web] Former Apple Employee Sam Sung Auctioning Business Card and Uniform for Charity [Mac Rumors] Ricky Gervais to return as David Brent in new movie [The Age] Will Arnett Confirms That Arrested Development Season 5 Is Happening [Vulture] Fans Petition for Weird Al Super Bowl Halftime Show, We Might Watch the Super Bowl [The Mary Sue] The Inside Story Of The 'Ghostbusters' Music Video [ScreenCrush] S