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HOW TO BECOME A PRO AT HAPPINESS!!! Inspirational Self-Help Tips from Hollywood Producer Brant Pinvidic



If you’ve ever wanted to achieve true success and happiness in your life, then do we have the Four Secrets to Success, Intensity Matching, Three Minute Pitch show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Brant Pinvidic, award-winning film director, veteran TV producer, Founder and CEO of INvelop Entertainment, and host of the Why I’m Not Podcast, and a brand new business-based podcast, IPO.  Brant has sold more than 300 TV and movie projects, sold TV shows like Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition and Bar Rescue, which have grossed nearly a billion dollars in revenue. He is also the author of a really fun and transformative read we can all benefit from, “The 3-Minute Pitch” Today I want to talk with him about preparing and planning for happiness, and why preparing for success and planning for it are two different things.  Key Points Discussed:  Swimming with 17 different great white sharks on Guadalupe Island, 210 miles off the coast (03:15) What was the feeling of being in the water and were the shark watching y