Erin Burnett Outfront

Trump preparing for visits to El Paso and Dayton after shooting massacres despite some calls to stay away; Top republican backs ban on assault weapons; Poll: Warren boosted by CNN debate, still trails Biden



Congresswoman rejects Trump's El Paso invitation "without a dialogue about the pain his racist" actions have caused; Congresswoman: I was told Trump is "too busy" for a phone conversation so I turned down offer to join him tomorrow; Top republican Mike Turner backs ban on assault weapons; his daughter was at bar across street from Dayton shooting; Sources: McConnell has no interest in moving background checks bill; New poll: 67% of Americans back it; New Poll: Warren narrows Biden gap as Harris takes dive; New Poll: Nearly half of dems say Biden has best chance of beating Trump; Warren tops on having the best policy ideas; Dayton shooter's ex-girlfriend says he showed her a mass shooting video on their first date; Dem presidential candidate Steve Bullock talks about losing his nephew to gun violence; 2020 dem presidential candidate on gun control plan; Trump recently laughed off suggestion to "shoot" migrants; Trump allies defend "invasion" rhetoric after El P