Erin Burnett Outfront

Trump insists "economy is doing really well" despite warning signs that the economy is not doing well; Ivanka and Jared publicly missing in action amid Trump's claim that Jewish Democrats are "disloyal to Israel"; 18 states, DC look to block new Trump Adm



White House insists economy is strong despite growing warning signs; New poll: Trump approval down to 36%, lowest since January; NYT: Former Trump administrative officials concerned about Trump's behavior, believe it's tied to economy concerns; NYT: ex-Trump officials concerned about his behavior; New poll shows Trump approval down to 36%, 51% oppose his handling of economy amid recession fears; Ivanka and Jared silent on Trump's use of anti-semitic trope; Sources: some White House aides believe Trump went too far questioning the loyalty of Jewish Democrats; Trump faces backlash after calling Jewish Democrats "disloyal"; Trump faces backlash after calling Jewish Democrats "disloyal"; NY Attorney General defends 17 lawsuits against Trump Administration; The Attorney General taking on Trump; 17 suits in 8 months; Overstock CEO abruptly resigns after revealing romantic relationship with accused Russian agent; Overstock CEO resigns amid link to accused Russian agent; Kremlin dis