Perfectly Imperfect With Christine And Regina

#27 - Procrastinating Perfection



Ever feel the need to have and do everything as perfectly as possible? So no one will judge you? So you don't disappoint your parents? So you live up to your own expectations? Because of your fear of failure, you never started that project you've always talked about or finished the ending to that script you've been working on for the past 6 months. Fear paralyzes us. We become terrified that the product isn't good enough or what we envisioned. It's that little voice in our head that constantly reminds us that we could have been more. So how do you combat these thoughts? How do you overcome them and find the courage to start your own passion project that you've been putting off? Listen in and find out! Read the article here: Follow us on social! Christine - Instagram: @peachiechristine; Twitter: @christinechen4 Regina - Instagram: @regina.fang; Twitter: @reginafang Perfectly Imperfect - Facebook: perfectlyimp