Money Lab

Frictionless Course Creation



Have you ever procrastinated creating an online course? Yeah, neither have we... Never. Nope. Matt and Andrew talk about the magic that happens when you find the perfect software for hosting and selling an online course. Matt walks through his decision-making process for choosing a new course platform (spoiler: it's Podia!) and how making the switch is already paying off (spoiler: it's upselling!). Matt also outlines how he'll leverage this new online infrastructure to make even more course content in the future. Will Matt become a course creating machine? Will Andrew finally drink the online course Koolaid and create a course for Listen Money Matters? If you've ever wanted an easier way of putting an online course out into the world, this episode is for you. Enjoy! P.S. Wanna check out Matt's hot-looking product page? Check it out at P.P.S. You can get on the Podia train here (it's an affiliate link, yo!)