Delight Your Marriage

228-Stretch Yourself to Enjoy Lovemaking



Your first time having sex, was it just like my experience? A bit awkward, NOT like how the movies portrayed it, and maybe even a BIT uncomfortable?   So now that you've done it a lot more, I bet what was uncomfortable in the beginning has started to feel a lot more comfortable, right? So, would you like to ENJOY it more?   Have you ever asked yourself these questions: Should I initiate?  Should I just go for it and stretch myself and seduce him? Is it okay for me to suddenly change and just go ahead and seduce him and be sexy?   Here's what I talk about in this podcast episode: How to enjoy the process of seduction and lovemaking more Why it's okay to be silly before being sexy What EXACTLY you need to do (practical tips and more!)   A lot of people say that DATING SEX is BETTER than MARRIAGE SEX. Well, that is what Delight Your Marriage wants to change.  It is our mission and we want to change it so that marriage sex is hotter, more enjoyable, and the best sex that anyone will ever have!    Absolutely N