
Episode 18 - A Star Trek From Nothing (Guest-Starring John Champion!)



It's a very special 18th episode of the show as Paul and Brian welcome the awesome John Champion from the Mission Log Podcast! Holy cow did we have a great conversation, which you're going to love! We talked about awesome stuff like:There will be a new Star Trek show in 2017!Paul and John have a CFI connection!What would Star Trek be like if it was created now?Would the stories be told the same way?What would the crew look like?Would there be multiple different Federations instead of just one?Would there still be money?Find out the answers to these questions, right now, by listening! And when you're done, follow us on Twitter:@paulfidalgo - Paul!@dotboom - Brian!@thinkerypodcast! - The ShowMr. John Champion is on Twitter at @dvdgeeks, as well!Mission Log is @missionlogpod!If you haven't listened to Mission Log Podcast, subscribe to it, it's really good! At the very least, go to and find an episode to listen to. Once you've done that, please leave a review of our show (and John's!) o