
Season 2, Episode 12 - A Joke About Orphanages



For this very special episode of Thinkery, Brian will take a very slightly less half-assed approach to the show notes! HOW CAN THIS BE, you ask? IT BE, CAN!So what got discussed this week, in this very slightly late episode? LOTS, probably!If everyone else exploded, could Schwarzenegger have been made President?How small is our audience? Paul was quoted on!Is crazy reputable? YOU KNOW IT!Were the DNC Primaries rigged? Are the leaked emails a smoking gun?Spoiler: NO, THEY WEREN'T.First-world kids these days don't know what shitty world leaders are like.Should you vote your conscience, or should you be pragmatic?Related: being an adult means compromising sometimes!Jerks!How bad would President Trump be?OH MAN.Holy Sweet Lord, Obama's DNC speech was inspiring.Orphanages, zing!Links to stuff we talked about!