"verse Of The Day" Ministry Podcast

" Verse of the day" Ministry Popup Episode " Isaiah 26:4"



Not bad for our first pop up...although I am a few seconds over the 10 mins lol but its the first of many ! Blessings and Happy Birthday to all with Birthdays and Anniversaries today and I wish you many more to come. Homework: Isaiah 26 Bible Reference: Bible.com Biblegateway References: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=isaiah+26&version=CEB https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+26&version=NKJV Definitions: Yah-Hebrew word for God rock-noun 1. the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil or oceans. 2. a large piece of rock which has become detached from a cliff or mountain; a boulder. trust-noun 1. firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. joy-joy /joi/ Learn to pronounce noun a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.