Tv Tea Time With Mattie And Jake

Rivermales 100: Riverdale Season 4 Preview!



Y'all. Don't Worry. We're going to recap the Season 4 premiere we are just a week behind. So we thought we would at least let you know we haven't jingle jangled you! Leave a review on Apple Podcasts: BUY A MUG AT Wanna talk with your Sissy Squad? Join our PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP Find Mattie! Instagram: @theMattMarr  Twitter: @theMattMarr  Facebook: @theMattMarr Find Jake! Twitter: @jakeitorfakeit Instagram: @jakeitorfakeit   Listen to our Sabrina podcast, called Bitchcraft. Netflix has us living for this show! Bitchcraft: The Sabrina Recap Show Listen to Mattie’s other podcast THE DEAR MATTIE SHOW: