Monday Morning Motivator

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Tech Startups Make - from a former VC (Part 1 of 3)



So delighted to have Melinda Elmborg of joining us today!  Melinda is a former VC who was frustrated and tired of saying “no” to startups she knew she could help.  So she started a virtual accelerator, Startup Action, to help startups get the launch they need, even without outside funding.  Today she shares Mistake #1:  Innovator’s Bias Innovator’s Bias is creating a product with blinders on and not consulting with customers. When you refuse to listen to the market or try to hide your product until its ready to launch, you run the risk of building something innovative that no one needs.  Melinda explains how to speak to customers in a way that will get you the information you want and share a neat story about Zapier’s model to address this.  Though this step may sound obvious, it’s the #1 often missed when she interviews startups for funding. If done properly, it will also tell you exactly what your market needs to hear in order to buy.  You can grab some of Melinda’s free resources and find