Sam & Kara in the Morning

Monday, June 7, 2010



An exciting and compelling guest-filled show. Kara participates in a marshmellow-eating game. Sam overhears his neighbors having sex and is not sure how he feels about it.Sam discovers Roxanna Shirazi, who was a guest on the show last week, is a Muslim Anti-Semite. This prompts a strong view from Sam on hatred and the uniqueness of the Anti-Semitic variety. We talk to author Kidder Kiper about his book "Sex is Fun", a comic-book style sex manual. Kara drops it like it's hot. A heated argument ensues. Kara's friends Gabe and Tucker come in to show us their new iPhone app, "Fart Battles." Later we are joined by Forensic Psychopathologist Cynthia Clark and her daughter for a fascinating discussion of murderous criminals.