UCL Enterprise Awards 2013 - Audio

UCL Provost's Spirit of Enterprise Award 2013: Professor Frank Smith - Audio



Goldsmid Professor of Mathematics, UCL Mathematics Professor Frank Smith FRS is a world-leading applied mathematician who has engaged enthusiastically and effectively with many industrial partners during his career. The range and depth of activity has been remarkable in recent years involving a variety of partners (e.g Buhler-Sortex, QinetiQ, UK Sport, Unilever, AeroTex, TotalSim, EOARD) covering a wide range of applications (e.g food-sorting machines, aircraft safety, Olympic sports performance, shopping). Funding for research has come in many forms e.g. CASE awards, Faraday and KTN partnerships. This has provided a welcome boost in PhD numbers in the department, as well as forming a major part of UCL's UoA10 REF impact case studies.