BA Academy's Voice of the Community (VOC)

Episode 4 – Creating Group Memory with Models



Modeling is a very important activity for any product development team – yet this important work is often overlooked. Even the teams who embrace modeling don’t always understand how best to leverage its value, choose which models are appropriate, or pair models for obtaining the greatest impacts. Join me as I have the opportunity to interview Greta Blash – a longtime community contributor in the project/program management space - as we discuss using models to create group memory.Greta shares with us how product development teams are changing up how they use modeling or should be. Where once models were the itemized deliverable requiring much rigor, formality, and adherence to modeling language syntax – today adaptive approaches to delivery are using models as the "means to the ends". Come listen in as Greta shares with us how she uses modeling to facilitate group discussions, set scope, elicit requirements, validate understanding for what the product team will build and of course to create group memory.About