Real Estate Investor Huddle

Direct Mail Isn’t Dead- Here’s How to Use it Effectively w/Jeff Charlton



With all the online marketing tools we have at our disposal, it might seem that direct mail is becoming a thing of the past - but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Why is direct mail still effective, even in the digital age? How can we create mail that delivers results? On this episode, founder of Graphic Connections Group, Jeff Charlton shares why direct mail is still one of the most effective ways to boost our brands.   3 Things We Learned  Direct mail is still an effective marketing method for investorsDespite the popularity of online platforms, when it comes to real estate investing, direct mail is still incredibly effective. This is because it’s a proven system, as well as being repeatable, scalable and measurable. It’s also an easy process, if done the right way.  Quality is keyTo get results from our direct mail, we have to ensure what we send is high quality. Stop fretting over pennies - if we track the results of our direct mail, it becomes easy to see that the costs are well worth it. Follo