"house Talk" W/dr. Lauren D Pitts

HOUSE TALK w/Dr. Lauren D. Pitts on DV Awareness: Intimate Partner Violence



National Domestic Violence Awareness Month is an annual designation observed in October. For many, home is a place of love, warmth, and comfort. It’s somewhere that you know you will be surrounded by care and support, and a nice little break from the busyness of the real world. But for millions of others, home is anything but a sanctuary. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are victims of physical violence by a partner every year. Join us tomorrow night at 9pm on “House Talk” w/Dr. Lauren D. Pitts where the discussion examines the impact of domestic violence on homes and communities and how to break the cycle of violence in your life or the life of someone you love.