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#WellyTech System Error - Come & be a tall poppy



A small and boutique collection for the Wellington System Error discussion - thanks to all that came and gave their views on the following 3 topics:- What are your views on the Hippocratic Licence? What's the one thing (emotional, physical, etc) that the #WellyTech 2019 event can bring?- What do we think about the Christchurch Call and where it's at?If you have anything to add, do you disagree with what was said - get involved!Next session will be #WellyTech 2019 event - FRIDAY 13th DECEMBER, 3:30pm-8pm at the TSB Arena, tickets go on sale very very soon - the scenes of tech, media, and startups, hosted by Mike Riversdale, Raj Khushal, Vivian Chandra, and others. See you at #WellyTechShare, Follow and Like us on:- - - - https://nstagr