Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Weekly Energy Check-In for 9/22/2019



Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ One of the biggest hurdles to raising our consciousness as humans is rising above our victim mentality. We overthink. We imagine worst case scenarios as outcomes. We often make things harder than they need to be. We don't realize how powerful we are as creators. We don't believe that our own extremely active and creative imaginations are designing our destiny by doing all of the above. We think some greater force (consciousness) in the universe is pulling the strings-- holding all the cards- and so we convince ourselves that life is happening TO US, not for us. When we are locked into victim mentality, we feel confined to just going through the motions of REACTING to the aftermath of seeming