Monday Morning Motivator

Goal Setting is a Myth!



Goal setting is a farse. It sounds logical, but success is illogical.  The reason why income goals don't work is because they’re all about the money the person is making and not about the problem they're solving or the people they're helping. Success requires many people working toward your vision and if your vision is just your personal income goal no one else is excited about that except you.  Goals inherently make us focus on what we DON'T have which attracts more of that (lack). When someone obsesses on an income goal they're constantly reinforcing that they don't have it.  And if you don't believe you are already capable of achieving that goal, it doesn't matter what effort you make, your outside world will always be a reflection of your inner world. We create our own reality based on what we believe. Even if you gain money it will escape you because you don't think you're worthy of it. However, if you set an objective that goes beyond your own desires and needs, other people will rise up to help you ach