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4 Master Tips for Navigating Change



My guest is Michael Diettrich-Chastain, the founder and CEO of Arc Integrated. Michael is an international speaker and consultant who focuses on leadership, emotional intelligence and change management. His writing has been featured in Time, Money, Monster, Entrepreneur and The Washington Post. His new book is called “Changes - The Busy Professional’s Guide to Reducing Stress, Accomplishing Goals and Mastering Adaptability.” RESOURCES: Michael’s book, “Changes.” “Changes” on Amazon Arc Integrated   IN THE INTERVIEW: We dig into the Four Master TIPS for NAVIGATING CHANGE. With over a decade of work with thousands of clients in the fields of organizational consulting, executive coaching and psychotherapy, Michael Diettrich-Chastain understands the need for intentional change and the stress of surprise change. In our interview, we dig into the four KEYS to dealing with change. These strategies will help you ask the right questions and focus on the right things, so stress, assumptions, pressure, a