Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Structure and Finance Deals More Creatively w/Chris Prefontaine



Success in real estate investing all comes down to creative financing and the way we structure our deals. What tools do we need to see great results in our businesses? Where can we learn how to structure our deals more effectively? On this episode, bestselling author and industry veteran, Chris Prefontaine shares how we can make our mark in real estate investing.   3 Things We Learned  Structuring deals creatively can help us achieve a higher conversion rateThe tools we use in investing can be compared to actual tools on a construction site: a contractor simply can’t make any progress with only a hammer. We need a range of tools if we want to see results.  Find the right coach who knows about structuring dealsTo learn how to structure deals, we need to find a coach. Look for someone in the niche who you find relatable. It’s also vital that the person teaching us is still actively making deals and  involved in real estate. Relying on those who exited the industry even 5 years ago will get us into trouble, as