Kimberly D. Scott

Caregivers Stories: Peggy Bushy, Author of Lewy, Mom & Me shares how she went from daughter to caregiver to her mother



#caregiversstories #lewybodydementia According to the Lewy Body Dementia Association, Lewy body dementia affects more than 1 million individuals in the United States. A lot of new cases are identified over a specific period, but it is widely accepted to be highly underdiagnosed and is the most frequently misdiagnosed form of dementia. On this episode of Caregiver Stories, Kimberly D. Scott, interviews Peggy Bushy author of Lewy, Mom and Me.  Peggy shared her share of struggle when her mom was affected with one. Her mother was around 50 years old when she started hallucinating. She would tell wild stories that became so vivid, she would say there were men in her bed. Peggy did not know what was going on. At first, she thought she had elderly schizophrenia but when her cousin told her to search Lewy body dementia, she knew that it matches with what her mother has.  So she made an appointment to have her checked. She tried to tell her mother’s primary care doctor about what she suspected, but she was j