Tyson's Fitness Tips

Episode #215 - High Carbs Or High Fats?



Macronutrients: fats, carbohydrates, and protein are vital in nutrition since the body needs it in large amounts to be used as energy for daily living. They are converted to calories that the body burn as fuel to function.   There are several studies that pinpoint the cause of weight gain among the population - whether it’s because of high carbohydrates or high fats - and so, many fat loss strategies are based on that concept.   Tyson reiterates that the most important factor to keep in mind is the total calorie intake regardless if it’s high in carbohydrates or fats. And an adequate protein intake to maintain almost all body functions.   Do you ever consider what you do and how it affects the ROI of your life?   You will learn: Importance of macronutrients Key to lose weight: Being in a calorie deficit Facts about protein Your preferences - high carbs or high fat - do matter   --------   For iTunes & YouTube:   -------- Follow Tyson on: Instagram: tysonthetrainerr Facebook: Tyson Brown Twitter: @tysont