Rapp Report

Statement on Social Justice with Josh Buice | Rapp Report Weekly 0026 | Striving for Eternity



Pastor Josh Buice of the G3 Conference joins Andrew Rappaport to discuss to break the news of the new statement on social justice for the church.  Dr. John MacArthur wrote, "Over the years, I’ve fought a number of polemical battles against ideas that threaten the gospel. This recent (and surprisingly sudden) detour in quest of 'social justice'” is, I believe, the most subtle and dangerous threat so far." Dr. MacArthur along with others like Phil Johnson, James White, Voddie Baucham, Josh Buice, Justin Peters and others met in Dallas, TX on June 19th to begin strategizing a biblical response. Now that response is available for everyone to read and sign. Stand up and make a difference. There are over 75 men that have already stood up and signed this statement, will you be one?  Oops and we discuss the problems with Beth Moore. John MacArthur's blog article This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources strivingforeternity.org Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Comm